Wednesday, February 15, 2012

BioWare Wins 5 of 4chan's Not Really a Good Thing

Not too long ago we reported on 4chan’s democratic awnser to the Spike VGA’s, the Vidya Gaem Awards (otherwise known as the /V/GAs.) Now that they’ve come and gone in a blaze of fire, who won what?

The awards, hosted by dramatic reading star ‘Duke,’ celebrated the best of the industry and doused the worst in petrol before proceeding to burn them. No mercy was shown, with Star Wars: The Old Republic being compared to Titanic in not one, but two segments, and E3 being compared to swimming in a tank of human fecal matter.

Dragon Age 2 brought home the bacon, winning a total of 3 awards. In any other situation, this would be great news for fans of the game. The /V/GAs, however, are the rare occasion where winning more than one award is actually a bad thing. Every single award Dragon Age 2 won was negative in nature, including Most Hated Game of the Year.

In fact, the /V/GAs were anything but kind to BioWare, with the developer taking out two additional awards including the Reddit award for worst fanbase, beating the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom. Oh dear.

It wasn’t all bad news, however. Bastion was highly commended artistically, winning awards for best art, best music and also best new IP, while Valve was awarded 4 awards including best voice acting and best publisher.

The awards itself were actually highly entertaining albeit bizarre, and are still available to watch on the website. Be warned, of course, that it’s obviously NSFW in nature.

It doesn't get more honest than that, really.



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